Jan Richardson writes, "With one gesture, one desperate reaching out of her hand toward the hem of Jesus’ robe, the bleeding woman breaks into the narrative. She interrupts the tale of healing that the gospel is seeking to tell." For the next two Sundays, we will explore Mark 5: 21-43. We will open the story with more boats (an artistic symbol of the early church), and Jesus going about his popular and chaotic ministry. A man named Jarius comes in desperation asking Jesus to heal his 12 year old daughter. And then there is an interruption of the narrative. This Sunday we will follow this interruption and explore the story of an unnamed woman with a 12 year issuance of blood. 12 year old very sick daughter. Older woman in a 12 year health crisis. Any chance these stories are related. The answer, as I think we'll see, is a resounding yes! Join us Sunday for Interrupting the Narrative: Taking Hold (haptomai: ἅπτομαι) of Agency, Opportunity, and Holy Spirit Power (dunamis: δύναμις). I look forward to being with you on Zoom and Live-Stream. -Rev. Jeanne
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