One of the things UCH is really proud of is that when the Pandemic came, we never missed a Sunday together in worship. Our fear of technology was overshadowed by our desire to be in community. That is a modern day miracle in the midst of a lot of tragedy and chaos. We learned to upgrade our computers and cameras, and we explored our new I-Phones and Androids. We learned how to use Zoom and journeyed through glitches, challenges, and hacker attacks. (Rev. Jeanne kept her hand on the rudder and moved us through all of it). One thing we noticed is that many who would not ever be in worship were now able to join us- from other states, and even from other countries. It was incredible!

The COVID-19 Pandemic changed a lot of things including our well-laid plans to build low income Senior housing in South Hayward. So we decided to stay on Zoom and discern about our future. And we put our much beloved church property on the market and sold it. For the first time in a long time, we are financially stable. And after a short rest this summer, we are discerning our future for the 21st Century. Our worship and programs are still thriving on Zoom and in once a month house church hybrid worship. A group of us gathers in-person, locally at Lunch Bunch. We are way out of our comfort zone- wandering the wilderness, and doing something very new with the love, and leading of the Divine.

So however you choose to join us- on Zoom or via hybrid in person house worship- your experience will be different but some things will remain the same. Our congregation is family sized, so you won't be invisible on the Zoom screen or patio (unless you mute yourself and your camera). You will be heartily welcomed. We won't hover if you need some space. Our worship style is Protestant, but theologically progressive and open & affirming, with services that last about an hour and a half. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month and everyone is welcome at the communion table! If you are on Zoom you are invited to bring your own bread and beverage. If you forget, Rev. Jeanne will give you a chance to retrieve it.

We observe the traditional Christian liturgical seasons and celebrations of Pentecost, (Not so) Ordinary Time, Advent, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Maundy Thursday, and Easter. Our worship coordinator, Laurie Blue, creates custom altars, with symbols and banners that add a visual artistic element to our worship. Our musician, Beau Dream is an accomplished pianist, vocalist, and violinist. And he sometimes even composes pieces for us. Our Choir is not singing together right now because COVID is still among us. But our Choir Director Dee-Anne Rojeski, or Beau and his partner Anarka Fairchild, often sing and we mute and sing along with them (Zoom does have some limitations we haven’t mastered. Group singing chaos and lag time is one of them.)

We also celebrate worship gatherings that are unique to UCH or jibe with our values: Gathering of the Waters, Blessing of the Animals, Celebration of our Ancestors, Caregiver's Sunday, Pride, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Indigenous People's Day and Juneteenth.

Rev. Jeanne is an engaging amazing preacher. She is Holy Spirit filled, unapologetically progressive in theology, and speaks frequently about injustices in our nation, our community, and in our hearts. She is a historian and is very knowledgeable about the Bible and history of Christinianity and our nation. She is also a Psychologist and Spiritual Director which are evident in her sermoning. She does not use a manuscript and uses a combination of preaching and teaching in a way that is very engaging and thought provoking.  She encourages us, teaches us, calls us out, and lifts us up (all in 15-20 minutes) and THEN we, the congregation, have a chance to respond!  This "community response time" is rich and  powerful- a time of sharing, growing, and questioning! Rev. Jeanne says, “You'all finish my sermon better than I ever could.”

We also pray together and have a designated time to share things we are grateful for. It is rare to leave our service without feeling joyful, grateful, unsettled, or thoughtful. Often it’s all of the above. If you'd like to join us for worship, fill out the Contact info and include your email. We will send you a zoomlink or give you directions to our hybrid house worship. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Experience a Service

Sundays at 10:30 AM

Rev. Jeanne’s Latest Sermon (March 30, 2025)