Transitions Group
10:30 AM10:30

Transitions Group

On the first Thursday of each month our Transitions group gathers on Zoom from 10:30-12:00. We provide a safe place- a circle of love, support, and wisdom for everyone who is in transition. Some of us are in places of not knowing about health and family issues, some are on cancer journeys, some have lost jobs, are having financial struggles, are grieving the loss of loved ones, or just trying to find the ground after the trauma of the pandemic. We have a covenant of confidentiality with one another and use poetry (Currently Jan Richardson's book "Blessings in times of Grief") as a container and talk about how the Divine is present and moving in our lives. And we do it  in a very ecumenical openhearted way- so no matter what your spiritual background (or not) you are welcome to join us. Rev. Jeanne leads this group and offers gentle group care and guidance for our conversations. Please contact us via the form on the contact page of the website if you are interested in attending or have questions.  We are grateful to have this ministry opportunity to offer the big-hearted journey support that is one of our core strengths at UCH.  

P.S. This is safe, welcoming space for lgbtqia+ folkx.   

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Ash Wednesday Service
6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday Service

Did You Not Know What the Holy One Can Do with Dust?

All those days you felt like dust, like dirt,
as if all you had to do was turn your face
toward the wind and be scattered
to the four corners.

or swept away by the smallest breath
as insubstantial— did you not know
                                what the Holy One can do with dust?
-Jan Richardson

In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). The 40 days of Lent mirror the 40 years that the Israelite people wandered in the wilderness before entering the “promised land,” and the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning his ministry. We are also doing a lot of “wandering in the wilderness” at UCH and in our communities right now. So, I invite us all to pay careful attention to the movement of the Holy Spirit in coming days.

Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, spiritual practice (such as “giving something up”) and repentance/evaluation (Where do we need to retrace our steps and “turn around?”).  During traditional Ash Wednesday services, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers as a reminder of our mortality and need for this yearly practice. Ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday palms are traditionally burned and used. On Zoom, we have learned to be a bit more creative.

Interestingly, the Bible does not mention Ash Wednesday or the custom of Lent since it evolved much later out of Roman Catholic tradition. However, the practice of repentance is mentioned repeatedly by John the Baptist, and Jesus, and the call for repentance. In the New Testament: metanoia: μετάνοια (Greek) and in the First Testament: shub שׁוּב  (Hebrew) are translated as repentance. According to Strong’s these words both mean: “to have a change of mind and heart, to turn back, or to return or retrace our steps.” It is such an important part of our spiritual journey to notice the places we are called to turning around, or retracing our steps; because we all get out in the weeds sometimes. God has gifted us with the spiritual practices of forgiveness, transformation, and repentance so we can find our way back out of the weeds and onto the path. And so, we can find our way home.

This Year our UCH Ash Wednesday service, “Did You Not Know What the Holy One Can Do with Dust?” will take place on March 5, at 6:30 Pacific on Zoom. Join us for a rich time of listening, poetry, and music. We will be participating in a creative visualization of the traditional imposition of ashes, and if you would like, you can impose ashes from a candle or palm leaves you have burned in your home on your forehead or hands. Or you can just come and be in community and out of the chaos for this simple, quiet reflective service about the joys and challenges of being human, and the transformative power of dust.

I look forward to being with you on Ash Wednesday evening as we begin our Lenten journey together. -Rev. Jeanne

Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833.

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Sunday Worship
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Worship

Rev. Nadia Bolz-Webber writes, "The Gospel is not domesticatable enough for the mind to grasp.  It’s wilder than that. Like wind. It’s more beautiful and a-rational than reason alone can contain" which is a terrific reflection for us to keep in mind when we are exploring passages like Mark 5 that involve Jesus healing and even raising the dead. Resurrection is a wild idea for us to get around in the 21st Century. But we are still called to this work. After all, as Irma Nystrom put it in our history "UCH was born in a cemetery. I guess that makes us resurrection people.” So how are we called to live into being resurrection people right now? Who needs this wild rising Good News? Join us this Sunday for part II of our exploration of Mark 5 the healing of Jarius' daughter. "The Wide, Wild, Beautiful, A-Rational, Undomesticateable Gospel. Living into the Healing Call to Rise (koum: κουμ)" I look forward to rising with you on Zoom. Don't forget to bring your communion elements to Zoom worship. We will be sharing Holy Communion. -Rev. Jeanne

Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833.

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Healing Circle (via Zoom)
7:15 PM19:15

Healing Circle (via Zoom)

The Healing Circle will meet on Monday, February 24 at 7:15 PM. I hope you can attend and, if you feel anxious, sad, and/or angry, please try to join in. Remember God’s healing we send to those entered into the circle is also for those who make up the circle. Come share in God’s grace, peace, and healing. Know it is in you always waiting to be called upon.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Healing Circle, please go to our Blog page. If you’d like to join the next circle on Zoom, please email your request to

Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833.

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Sunday Worship
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Worship

Jan Richardson writes, "With one gesture, one desperate reaching out of her hand toward the hem of Jesus’ robe, the bleeding woman breaks into the narrative. She interrupts the tale of healing that the gospel is seeking to tell."  For the next two Sundays, we will explore Mark 5: 21-43. We will open the story with more boats (an artistic symbol of the early church), and Jesus going about his popular and chaotic ministry. A man named Jarius comes in desperation asking Jesus to heal his 12 year old daughter. And then there is an interruption of the narrative. This Sunday we will follow this interruption and explore the story of an unnamed woman with a 12 year issuance of blood. 12 year old very sick daughter. Older woman in a 12 year health crisis. Any chance these stories are related. The answer, as I think we'll see, is a resounding yes! Join us Sunday for Interrupting the Narrative: Taking Hold (haptomai: ἅπτομαι) of Agency, Opportunity, and Holy Spirit Power (dunamis: δύναμις). I look forward to being with you on Zoom and Live-Stream. -Rev. Jeanne  

Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833. or join us here for the sermon live stream.

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Scripture Seekers Bible Study (via Zoom)
5:30 PM17:30

Scripture Seekers Bible Study (via Zoom)

Scripture Seekers just started a new Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark. And we invite you to join (or rejoin) us!

The book we are using is: "Mark for Everyone" (The 20th Anniversary Edition) By N.T. (Tom) Wright. I'm sure "Books on B" would order it for you, or it is available at this link in paperback or e-book. There is also a larger print version floating around:  Mark for Everyone book by N. T. Wright, Mark Price: 9780664266387 

There are many in our nation who are really distorting the Christian scriptures, and teachings of Jesus beyond recognition right now. The stakes are very high. And as we navigate that, I think it important that we remain committed to rooting ourselves in the scriptures, and exploring what Jesus really said and taught during these challenging times.

I look forward to accompanying you on this journey. If you have any questions. Please let me know.  See you'all @5:30 

- With Infinite Love and Gratitude, Rev. Jeanne.

 Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833.

We are a theologically progressive, open and affirming congregation. Our Bible Study reflects that. Your theological reflections are welcome. Your harm is not.

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Sunday Worship
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Worship

Jan Richardson writes in one of her beautiful liturgical blessings, "Peace to you in the waves, peace to you in the winds, peace to you in every moment."  How are you managing the weather where you are? How do we cultivate peace (and yet set healthy necessary boundaries) in our communities and ourselves during this stormy time? How do we create peace, hush, and stillness in ourselves so we can move from there instead of from a place of fear? What does having deep faith require of us? Join us for a deep dive into Mark 4: 21-25: and Jesus calming a windstorm at night, in the middle of the sea, while the disciples are freaking out. (Mark adds the detail that he is asleep on a cushion. What?!). I look forward to being with you on Zoom for Peace to You in the Waves, Peace to You in the Winds, Peace to You in Every Moment: The Spiritual Practice of Putting a Sock (phimoó: φιμόω) in the Chaos. See you there! -Rev. Jeanne

 Join us on Zoom, or by phone (audio only): (669) 900-6833.

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