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Sunday Worship

  • United Church of Hayward We meet on Zoom! United States (map)

Johnathan Swift writes, "Falsehood flies and the truth comes limping after it."  We are awash in falsehood and untruth right now in our nation. It has affected our election and our destiny. As we travel this wilderness that has been thrust upon us.. How do we determine what it true? How do we know where to stand and how to be the Holy Spirit filled seekers of justice we are called to be?  I look forward to being with you as we go waaaay off liturgical order and deep dive into Jesus confrontation with Diabalos  (διάβολος, (Greek): (NRSVUE/The Devil) The slanderer. The enemy, The false accuser. Liar, and Speaker or Voice of Untruth -Strong’s) Join us this Sunday for Luke 4: 1-13 and "Who We Are and What We Have Come To Do and Be: Confronting Diabalos  διάβολος with Integrity and Authenticity. -Rev. Jeanne

Please contact us on our Connect page if you would like the Zoom link for the service.

Later Event: November 24
Sunday Worship