Connecting the Dots (One at a Time)

“Our fully divine and fully human heart’s desire is for a true picture to emerge”   -Margaret Silf    

 Our five year old is getting really good doing mazes and puzzles. One of his favorites is “connecting the dots.” He starts with the first dot and then moves to the next and the next until a pattern emerges. The trick for him developmentally is to slow down and make good choices, but to keep moving to the next dot so he can see what is emerging and color the picture.

  We are working a “connecting the dots” puzzle of sorts here at UCH during our Designated Term. We are called to look at how we have connected the dots in the past and see what pattern has emerged. We are called to discern intentionally about which dot we might want to move to next with our energy, resources, and God’s call to serve our community. We are visioning and dialoguing about our “time, talent, and treasure.” We are asking a lot of questions as we discern our best choices. What is trying to emerge? Where are the patterns? What do we need to bring with us? What do we need to leave behind? Which dot are we called to move to next?

Margaret Silf writes in Wise Choices: A Spiritual Guide to Making Life’s Decisions, that it is our “fully divine and fully human heart’s desire is for a true picture to emerge.” We want to connect the dots in our lives so we can leave “a true God-filled footprint of our authentic selves that has made a difference in our families and communities.”    

I believe this nicely articulates the spiritual calling of our beloved community as we explore how to really be “seekers embracing the journey” in South Hayward. We are called to make choices intentionally, called to pay attention to the “true picture” that is emerging, and called to deeper awareness that no matter where we find ourselves in this vine tangled, beautiful, dot strewn wilderness, that our Still-Speaking God is with us- and will never leave us alone.  

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as our journey continues, and as our “true picture” emerges- one dot at a time.    –Rev. Jeanne