More of Who You Are

It has been an interesting couple of weeks for me as I have begun a pain management program to try to improve my walking and standing and reduce the pain I have been experiencing in my back. I participated in this program fifteen years ago and found it very helpful so I have high hopes for this time as well. The truth is that I come home from each class very tired and with even more pain. I know I am supposed to feel this way as I learn to use muscles again and do things that I have avoided doing because they make me hurt. The rest of the truth is that I know that I will be able to do more and I will feel better if I stay the course and do what is asked of me. Isn’t that how it is in life? We go along feeling hurt, depressed, alone, lonely, disconnected etc., and the more we feel this way the more we avoid dealing with whatever brought these feelings on. It is easier to carry these feelings ourselves and not talk about them to anyone than it is to say how we feel. And if any of this has to do with another person, we certainly are not going to go to them to talk about it. So, what do we do?!  How long will doing nothing work before your life and relationships begin to be undone? 

How long before the pain that you carry inside becomes more than you can bear? I have an idea about how to start…

The first thing that any of us have access to, is the Lord. In Isaiah 147, it says “God heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”  Psalm 121 talks about “My strength comes from God…” and in Isaiah 41 it says,” Don’t panic, I am with you. There is no need to fear for I am your God.  I’ll give you strength, I will help you.  I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.”  

If we can rely on God, we can face anything. This does not mean that we don’t have to do our own work in healing those places in us that are wounded. We have to talk with those who hurt us, we have to leave the house and trust relationships.  We must open our hearts to others; we must leave our crutches in the closet and walk upright and with integrity by owning all of our experiences. This does not mean hold on to hurt, but holding the thing of value you learned from this, and leaving the hurt behind.

Jesus never taught us that things in life would be easy. Sometimes, just like Jesus we have to do something that we know will be painful in order that we might do better or feel better, or live better on the other side of it. This takes time and energy. That is where I am with my back, hurting, but trusting that in the next four weeks the pain will be reduced and I can enter more fully into my life at home, in the community, with friends, family and mostly with the Lord.

What discomfort in your life needs to be dealt with in order that your life be more enriched? Have you turned to the Lord for help? You can be more of who you are, I know you have it in you. -Chris L.